
triple rainbow

DSCN0384 by s1stergoldenhair

what does it mean???

crazy weather events all around the world this week, and here in auckland it's warm for winter but we've had HEAPS of rain. the monsoon decided to break on thursday just as everyone was leaving work and lucky me, i saw a triple rainbow from the office!

{actually it was more like double rainbow with a third strangely close, but hey...}

but again, what does it mean?

i suppose that with all of the recent changes in my life i've been searching for signs to point me in the next direction moving forward. i.e. is it fate that i developed a cold when i was supposed to have my immigration medical? is it a sign that i'm STILL waiting for my birth certificate to come through?

the reality is that there's not many events in life that supremely alter your course. in fact, some of us may never experience such serendipity.

we just need to create our own opportunities and enjoy the magic along the way.

so for me {for now}, that means i bite bullet and turn in my application for residency. maybe this little rainbow had more of an effect on me than i realized....

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